I LOVE this by Annie Ritchie!!!
It’s easy for a Trainer to ‘tell’ or ‘show’ their client how to exercise and how to be fit and healthy but to ‘teach’ a client is so much more powerful. Educating clients on the basic rules of food and fitness, often gets lost but is so important to ensure the longevity of any plan.
I can stand and perform exercises for people all day long and I can relay the calories in certain foods off the top of my head, but to give client’s the opportunity to learn the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ (in my experience) is definitely the key to helping client’s stick to the plan.
So yes, it might sound a bit dull (sessions are full of fun too!), but I would much rather people invest their time and money into a method that will allow them to have lifelong health and happiness rather than a restrictive attempt at achieving ‘rock solid abs’ for a one-time Summer gig.